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Outreach Toolkit—brand-infused assets for B2B marketing

Fanny Vassilatos

Rami Karam

Brand Identity


I originally started working with Fiska for their middleware platform for payment providers. After we wrapped the UX/UI work for a big feature release, there was need for outreach assets on the marketing and sales side of things. Being very familiar with the product, I could seamlessly bring added value to this process.

Rami first asked me to "take a crack at" some slide decks he'd already been using. After getting familiar with the brand guidelines, I was able to quickly establish a system of repeatable visual components that we could adapt to fit the various communication needs.


Brand identity

The brand identity had already been developed by an awarded Montreal studio so I had fun playing around with these puzzle pieces. We had a logo and symbol, a font, a retro-pop colour palette and a signature graphic device: the wave.

Fiska’s 4 Core brand pillars


We open up connection and an ease of flow between partners.


We inspire trust in a way that’s not too serious nor conservative.


We are the next generation of payments that keeps it fresh and puts tech first.


We are accessible, welcoming, and dare we say it – nice.



“Accelerating Commerce”

This is our tagline. Our stake in the sand. We exist to make payments easier between partners and drive business forward with ease and speed where everything simply works. Like a well-oiled machine and one streamlined process.


Our tone then is straightforward, clear, confident, and helpful. We simplify the complicated with utmost competence and a friendly attitude.


Fiska is a multicolour brand. Its visual communication should feel light and airy, not dark and corporate.


Making the platform feature breakdown more compelling

Making the platform feature breakdown more compelling

Infusing the brand into more abstract concepts

Infusing the brand into more abstract concepts



The outreach efforts were mainly targetted to potential partners so this was B2B marketing. The need for white-labeling was kept top of mind. The objective was therefore for these assets to be informative and persuasive.

Using the playfulness of the brand to educate partners

Using the playfulness of the brand to educate partners

Schematizing Fiska’s complex back-end architecture

Schematizing Fiska’s complex back-end architecture

Vulgarizing the transaction flow

Vulgarizing the transaction flow



Fiska has a pretty complex back-end architecture that needs to be communicated clearly to potentially less tech-savvy partners. Vulgarization, schematization and visualization were key.









The idea was then to first distill each piece of content to its most digestible form and then adapt it based on the audience. Some could afford a higher level of complexity, while others needed to remain more simple.

Clearly laying out the customization possibilities for partners

Clearly laying out the customization possibilities for partners

Breaking down the Online-to-Offline process in a visual metaphor

Breaking down the Online-to-Offline process in a visual metaphor